Intermittent Fasting
There are many different types of intermittent fasting.
- There is the 5:2 - eat for 5 days and fast for 2.
- There is the daily intermittent fast which is eating between 12 - 6pm (or 8pm) and fast until 12pm the next day.
- There is the alternate day fasting where you fast every second day.
Intermittent fasting is much easier to do if you start it after doing a juice fast or water fast because your eating habits have been reset and you're used to drinking juice or water and not set meal times. I personally find the daily intermittent fasting the easiest because it is really just eating lunch and dinner. There are even fasting apps that help you keep track of the number of hours you have fasted. If you adopt the daily fasting then aim to not be eating for a min of 12 hours but ideally 14-16 hours - part of that you are asleep for as well.
This article has a very good explanation of intermittent fasting and answers a lot of the common questions people have.
Another good article is this one